Sounds good? Or looking for something else? Don’t hesitate to contact us! With our broad network of professionals and specialists we will help you find the best solution!
What we do
Video Production
Video production runs through our veins. With the newest technology and an experienced team, we capture your story. From testimonials and interviews to after movies and event recordings, at IngredientMedia, you are at the right place.
With attention to detail, a sharp vision on our surroundings and the right post-processing, IngredientMedia captures the best moments in any situation. With photography we tell your story, millions of pixels at a time.
Using the newest techniques in 2D and 3D animation, we give the viewer the best impression of your product, company, or venue. Lifelike 3D-models and realistic movements allow for an engaging result.
Web Design
IngredientMedia helps you find the best web solution for your situation. User-friendly interfaces, a clear lay-out, beautiful transitions and the most advanced functionality you can think of; IM makes it happen. We thoroughly test our solutions to make sure you are always available to anyone from everywhere.
Interaction Design
Interaction design picks up where video left off. You can depend on IngredientMedia for VR and digital interaction too! Allow your customers to explore your story or vision all by themselves! IngredientMedia uses the newest technologies and nothing is too crazy for us!
Presentations & shows
IngredientMedia is not limited by the boundaries of digital media. Building entire live shows, presentations, and other physical forms of interaction with your audience is part of our expertise.
You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Using the right colors, shapes, movements, language and letterforms we create brands that instantly tell your audience what you are all about.
The complete picture
IngredientMedia always looks at the bigger picture. We love thinking along with you about the context of the project to make sure all pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly for the best result.
Video Production
Video production runs through our veins. With the newest technology and an experienced team, we capture your story. From testimonials and interviews to after movies and event recordings, at IngredientMedia, you are at the right place.
With attention to detail, a sharp vision on our surroundings and the right post-processing, IngredientMedia captures the best moments in any situation. With photography we tell your story, millions of pixels at a time.
Using the newest techniques in 2D and 3D animation, we give the viewer the best impression of your product, company, or venue. Lifelike 3D-models and realistic movements allow for an engaging result.
Web Design
IngredientMedia helps you find the best web solution for your situation. User-friendly interfaces, a clear lay-out, beautiful transitions and the most advanced functionality you can think of; IM makes it happen. We thoroughly test our solutions to make sure you are always available to anyone from everywhere.
Interaction Design
Interaction design picks up where video left off. You can depend on IngredientMedia for VR and digital interaction too! Allow your customers to explore your story or vision all by themselves! IngredientMedia uses the newest technologies and nothing is too crazy for us!
You never get a second chance to make a first impression! Using the right colors, shapes, movements, language and letterforms we create brands that instantly tell your audience what you are all about.
Presentations & shows
IngredientMedia is not limited by the boundaries of digital media. Building entire live shows, presentations, and other physical forms of interaction with your audience is part of our expertise.
The complete picture
IngredientMedia always looks at the bigger picture. We love thinking along with you about the context of the project to make sure all pieces of the puzzle fit perfectly for the best result.
Our Clients